Are Vapor Cigarettes Safe?

admin / December 28, 2013 / No Comments

Smoking has been a major issue in most nations across the globe. This is because of the nature of problems associated with tobacco smoking. In essence, most of these nations have enacted legislation curbing tobacco smoking in order to protect their citizens from health complications. Due to this a Chinese physician developed vapor cigarettes as an option to supplement tobacco smoking. 

Vapor cigarette is a device which utilizes nicotine and other liquids in the place of tobacco. Smokers are not exposed to the risks associated with smoking tobacco. In essence, the vapor cigarette ensures that both the smoker and the person exposed to the smoke are protected from harmful substances associated with tobacco. 

The question which lingers is vapor cigarettes safe? Compared to tobacco, vapor cigarettes are safer. This is because they reduce the amount of harmful substances such as tar and carbon dioxide inhaled by the smoker. Furthermore, this leads to a general reduction in health complications associated with tobacco smoking. Companies and manufacturers associated with this product have come to the conclusion that vapor cigarettes are much safer. 

Vapor cigarettes do not contain tobacco; they are not subjected to tobacco laws. This implies that they can be acquired online without any major restrictions such as age. To a certain extent, this raises concern whether their safety acts as an inducement for the young adults to later engage in smoking tobacco. While these cigarettes were developed for people who had addiction, it is turning out that younger adults are taking up this habit consequently leading to addictions to nicotine. 

In addition, health agencies and experts are divided on the nature of safety associated with the vapor cigarettes. Some feel that there are some risks which have not yet been fully understood that are associated with inhaling some liquid substances. While it is considered safer compared to tobacco, some of the FDA experts are raising concern regarding side effects which might be associated with smoking pure nicotine. 

The nature and quality of control has raised concern among health experts. This has largely been orchestrated by lack of adequate disclosure on part of the manufacturers of the vapor cigarettes. The amount of nicotine contained within the cigarettes is not indicated thus exposing smokers to the risk of inhaling large amounts. 

In as much as these devices have been used to wean off smokers from tobacco, they also create loopholes which lure young people into perceived harmless smoking. Lack of control on the amount and quantity of nicotine or other flavors used by the smokers is a risk in itself. This is because some of these liquids like nicotine are still addictive and lure non smokers to smoking while hooking the smokers. 

In conclusion, when compared to tobacco vapor cigarettes are safer. However, it is important to have checks and balances to ensure that these cigarettes do not cause more harm than good. Adequate research and legislation should be enforced to protect the general populace from untold risks which might be associated with vapor cigarettes. 

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